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Life Lessons in a Nutshell:  by Me


I haven't made it this far without a few  bumps along the way.  Scratch that - quite a few.  But I'm alive, happy and grateful for so much.  So, as I sit here typing with my handmade Wisdom Warrior beret perched atop my head, allow me to share a few simplistic truths I've learned.  Life is more about the journey than the destination, for we all share the same final destination, and the lessons learned come with an exquisite parting gift of wisdom's reflection in the rear view mirror.



Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."  The same holds true for how people treat you within a relationship:  No one can treat you badly without your consent. It's really that simple.  Whether we permit circumstances to dictate how we are treated may be another thing, but we teach people how to treat us according to what we will accept and tolerate.


Many years ago I was in a disasterous, short-lived marriage where I was on the receiving end of abhorrent treatment. After I had moved on and the dust had settled, I started to contemplate how someone I had loved at one time could treat me with such contemptuousness until the realization became clear that it was I who had to be held accountable for accepting the treatment.  The question isn't why someone would treat their partner in such a way but  why the partner would allow it.  We can't control others but we can always control what we will or will not accept when it comes to personal relationships.  Self-esteem and a sense of self-worth are the beacons to help illuminate the pathway to healthy decisions.




When it comes to personal relationships, we show others how we expect to be treated.  A partner can only treat you in a manner which you accept.

i'm thinking, i'm thinking



The greatest rewards in life often come attached to the greatest risks. When we live our lives snuggled in our comfort zone without ever venturing out to try new things or dare to do something that may make us feel uncomfortable for a moment, we limit our growth and stunt the potential for spectacular things to happen in our life. Our minds become become inspired by an unknown possibility and adrenaline fuels the soul when we dare to do something we didn't think we could.   Stop caring what others think may think of you, it shouldn't be your concern and it's a waste of precious time. 




There is no such thing as failure, the only failure is in not trying.  





There is nothing quite as freeing to the soul than releasing the need to care what others think of you.  When you care how others perceive you, whether or not they "like" you, it's like swimming with an anchor wrapped around your neck.  You'll find yourself monitoring your actions or dimming the light that is shining within you so not to intimidate others or to fear condemnation that is irrelevant in the scope of your life.


It's all nonsense.  Just stop it.  For years, I pretended that I didn't care what others thought but in truth, I really did. Now, I can honestly say I simply do not.  I couldn't care less about what people think of me, and it's incredibly cathartic. Some of it may have to do with age, you reach a point where you finding yourself heading towards the finish line and simply discard all the useless nonsense.  Still, I awaken each day with a promise to do my best and not to intentionally inflict harm on others.  I come from a place of an open heart, and I'm just me.  There's a saying that goes, "What other people think of you is none of your business."  And it's so true.


Live your life to the best of your ability.  Vow to do no harm when at all possible, and vow to be kind as a rule.  Treat people with courtesy and respect, making the exception when circumstances dictate.  Other than that, simply live your life.  Be yourself.  Express yourself without fear, don't be afraid how you'll look to others.


It's impossible to have every person you meet in this lifetime like you.  It will never happen.  So focus on being true to you, embracing the people who do like you and love you and forget the rest.  It's that simple.  I promise.


Lesson in a Nutshell:  


Don't allow the opinion of others dictate how you choose to live your life.   



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